F | D

Le Dictionnaire du Jura met en lumière la culture, l’histoire et les personnalités de la région jurassienne.


Requête erronée: Table 'notices_' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in global ORDER clause

( SELECT *, notices_.id nID, titre_f titre, slug_f slug, historique_date publication_date, historique_date FROM notices_, notices_historique WHERE notices_id = notices_.id AND publie_f='YES' AND valide_f='YES' AND action='CRE' AND langue='f' ) UNION ( SELECT *, notices_.id nID, titre_f titre, slug_f slug, historique_date publication_date, historique_date FROM notices_, notices_historique WHERE notices_id = notices_.id AND publie_f='YES' AND valide_f='YES' AND action='TRAD' AND langue='f' ) ORDER BY publication_date DESC, notices_.id DESC LIMIT 10

#1 /home/clients/296a7dc8448390c12408a69f9e00955f/web/cms/lib/db.php(42): obj->_error()
#2 /home/clients/296a7dc8448390c12408a69f9e00955f/web/inc/notices.php(71): db->execQuery()
#3 /home/clients/296a7dc8448390c12408a69f9e00955f/web/pages/accueil.php(108): displayNoticeHistory()
#4 /home/clients/296a7dc8448390c12408a69f9e00955f/web/index.php(411): include()